Frequently asked questions

What to expect from a home visit?

Please try and ensure your time with us is uninterrupted - it is important we can concentrate on you. It is ideal if you have room where you will have privacy and be comfortable. It is also helpful if you can have any recent medical records, medication lists, x-rays, MRI's that you have available for us so we can get a comprehensive understanding of your needs. Comfortable clothing is also ideal.

Are the costs covered by my Private Health fund?

All Health Funds vary. Yes if you have extra cover a percentage of the costs will be refundable.

Are DVA clients eligible for treatment?

Yes, DVA clients are fully covered for treatment.

How long will the treatment take?

Treatment times are generally between 20 to 30 minutes depending on your condition.

How long will I have to wait for an appointment?

We will make every effort to see you as soon as needed.

Do I need a doctors referral to be seen?

Only if you are a Veterans Affairs patient or your physio is to be covered by Work Cover or Third Party Insurance.

Will I see the same therapist each time?

Yes unless you want to change, this ensure continuity of your treatment program and helps build a rapport with you and your family and carers ensuring the best possible outcome for you.

Can I be treated if I have a Medicare EPC referral?

People with a Medicare EPC referral from their GP can also be treated by us – our regular fees apply and Medicare will refund $52.00 per treatment.